Postings those pix can cost you.

Tourists with cameras have turned into tourists with smartphones. We no longer traipse through world capitals with a Nikon strangling us. Even the most fumble-fingered and F-stop impaired can document an entire vacation with a few clicks and post images instantaneously, to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and Pinterest.

That is not necessarily a bad thing.

Most of us enjoy seeing our friends having a good time -- within limits. However, there are photos guaranteed to irritate even our closest friends and family. Consider keeping the images listed below to yourself. 

Travel Photo Fails

  1. People positioned so plants, antlers, or other foreign objects appear to grow out of their heads.
  2. Views from the airplane window.  After more than a century of commercial air travel, the novelty is gone.
  3. Friends and family standing stiffly in a police line-up. Candid and action shots are more compelling.
  4. Dead-centered shots of monuments and landmarks that are precisely as they   appear in every postcard we have ever seen.
  5. Culturally insensitive, disrespectful mugging at solemn historical or sacred sites.
  6. Images with lighting or filters that turn humans Smurf-blue or other colors unnatural to our species.
  7. Multiple, identical, people-free landscapes.

These social media misfires only hurt the eyes of the beholders. A mistake in choosing the phone and data provider to keep you connected during international travel hits you where it hurts – in the wallet.

Sprint - AAA Discounts & Rewards

AAA members can fill their feeds with endless albums and still save, thanks to a special deal with Sprint.

They can enjoy global roaming across the largest low-cost international service area, more than 175 popular travel destinations. The Sprint Unlimited Freedom Plan provides free SMS texting, and basic data roaming services. Voice calling is just $0.20/minute.

During a special promotional period, Sprint even pays for AAA membership renewal.

With Sprint’s international wireless service, you will only regret your “duck face” selfies, not the phone and data bill awaiting you when you get home.

See Sprint Discounts