AAA Auto Insurance Savings

Automotive, Insurance

Even with a rebounding economy, drivers want to make sure their dollars are taking them as far as possible. AAA has some simple money-saving tips that consumers can use to help keep some more cash in their wallets.

  1. Get the Same Provider – Consider using the same insurance provider for both your auto and home insurance. You may be eligible for a multi-policy discount. Also, make sure to ask your AAA Insurance representative if there are any other discounts you might be eligible for.
  2. Drive Safely – The fewer tickets you’ve had, and the fewer claims you’ve made, the lower your rates can be. And don’t forget to park safely too. Parking in a dangerous area may put you at increased risk for personal harm as well as auto theft and vandalism.
  3. Pay in Lump Sums – If you’ve been paying your auto insurance premium on a monthly basis, ask your AAA Insurance representative if you are eligible for a discount if you were to instead pay your premium in a lump sum, or even twice yearly or quarterly.
  4. Increase Your Deductible – A deductible is the amount you pay before your insurance coverage kicks in. If you increase your deductible you may save considerably on the price of your collision and comprehensive coverages. You should do this only if you are able to afford a higher deductible as part of your household budget.
  5. Lower Mileage – Cut back on driving and reap the rewards that may come with lower mileage. If you’re taking public transportation or carpooling more frequently, and if you’ve gotten good at bundling your errands into fewer trips, let your insurance company know. Fewer miles travelled could translate into money saved on your premium.

You don’t need to wait until it’s time to renew your policy to begin saving money. Contact your local AAA Insurance agent for a free quote or call us toll-free at 1-800-222-1469.